The High Arc Council assembly is necessary for the Arcs to enact any order due to their lack of free will. Every decision they make must be by the council’s agreement. Each member can be identified by their aura colors that still remain from the light realm. They are very naive and lack experience and wisdom in the realm of Light and Dark.
Spirit of Love
Name: Vargil
Arc Spirit High Council Assignment: Unity
Known as: Spirit of Love
Aura Color: Blue
Born: Manderith Lapi
Before Fall Virtue Role: Peace
Skill: Pass tranquility to others
Transcends: Anger and Cruelty
Name: Rahml
Arc Spirit High Council Assignment: Integrity
Known as: Spirit of Life
Aura Color: Pink
Born: Manderith Fijal
Before Fall Virtue Role:Spirit Guide
Skill: Master of the Fathers word
Transcends: Corruption
Arc Oracle
Name: Briel
Spirit High Council Assignment: Graciousness
Known as: Arc Oracle
Aura Color: Purple
Born: Manderith Juney
Before Fall Virtue Role: Helpfulness
Skill:Ability to Influence Dreams
Transcends: Negativity
Spirit of Energy
Name: Aldonthan
Arc Spirit High Council Assignment:Orderliness
Known as: Spirit of Energy
Aura Color: Gray
Born: Manderith Dreki
Before Fall Virtue Role: Purity
Skill: Dissectologist
Transcends: chaos
Spirit of Heavens
Name: Jabril
Arc Spirit High Council Assignment: Inspire Awe
Known as: Spirit of Heavens
Aura Color: Gold
Born: Manderith Tartiarea
Before Fall Virtue Role: Faith
Skill:Instills confidence in others Transcends: Doubt
Spirit of Light
Name: Labbeth
Arc Spirit High Council Assignment: Moral Guide
Known as: Spirit of Light
Aura Color: White
Born: Manderith Trie
Before Fall Virtue Role: Trust
Skill: Give hope to others
Transcends: Negativity
Arc Scribe
Name: Eltron
Spirit High Council Assignment: Perseverance
Known as: Arc Scribe
Aura Color: Brown
Born: Manderith Hugrak
Before Fall Virtue Role: Recorder
Skill: Enhanced Memory
Transcends: Laziness
Every High Arc Spirit is introduced in Mythos: Past Chronicle: one – The Guardians Of The Divine. eBook: Paperback: