The Region of Fijal includes 110 autonomous regions and are free of any form of government.
On Fijal’s west coast is the Talantic Ocean, and connects to Lapi in the frigid north west. The Ranean Sea mainly borders it south, only the village of Ishtan connects the land mass to west Gamall. To the east Fijal boarders, Gamall, Mornar, and the Dark Sea.
Number of Villages with population over 5000: 25
Largest Village: Mir and Whisk
Main crop: Wheat

The Region of Gamall includes 4 small autonomous regions and are free of any form of government. All are in the northern regions that boarder Fijal, Tartiarea and Mornar.
On Gamall’s west coast is the Ranean Sea and Fallon. There the population is low due to the Sands of Felfur. The Stalhat River creates a natural boarder to the region of Ku in the east. The entire south coast is open to the Rabian Sea. The capital is Cobb and has a population of over 350,000. Dran is the second largest village with a population of 250,000 thousand.
Population: 850,000
Number of Villages with population over 5000: 15
Largest Village: Cobb
Main crop: Wheat, potatoes

Lapi is a long peninsula region that is covered by large mountains and snow in the north. The southern area is tropical and hold many islands. Their are only three major villages in the entire region. The village of Talanis sits at the end of the peninsula and is controlled by the Aanderith. Lapi doesn’t have any functional rulers or governing system.
Population: 50,000
Number of Villages with population over 5000: 3
Largest Village: Tangi
Main crop: Various fruits

The Region of Fallo is ruled by Maliebris. All are in the northern regions boarder Ranean Sea and Cobb.
On Fallo’s west coast Hugrak, Juney, and Sea of Deth. The south is the Rabian Sea and many islands that stretch to Kandam. The capital is Tello and has a population of over 750,000. Trog and Rapi are tied for the second largest village with a population of 300,000 thousand each.
Population: 1,500,000
Number of Villages with population over 5000: 10
Largest Village: Tello
Main crop: Wheat, barley, and potatoes

The Region of Juney is very lush and tropical. It is a peninsula surrounded by the Ranean Sea and the Sea of Deth. Only the east is connected to Fallo. There are only 5 major villages on the coasts that occupy this vast land. The capital is Carth and it has a population of over 200,000. Jebel is the second largest village with a population of 125,000 thousand.
Population: 400,000
Number of Villages with population over 5000: 5
Largest Village: Carth
Main crop: Maize, sugarcane, and rice

Hugrak west coast sits on the Talantic Ocean and the north faces the Sea of Deth. Westward is the Rabian Sea and Fallo. Hugrak is home to the Nanderith empire. Maliebris gifted the Nah the land between the villages of Cofe and Sil for their loyalty. The land is very fertile and is capable of supping the Fallen’s war machine all the food necessary for a very long campaign.
Population: 300,000
Number of Villages with population over 5000: 20
Largest Village: Wark
Main crop: Maize, nuts, fruits and rice

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